Wednesday, August 14, 2019

It was a sudden jolt and paralysis set in. My mouth was glued shut, my mind was on permanent auto play of all my past failures and I was shackled in hopelessness. I had been kidnapped by fear and my purpose held for ransom.  God’s mission on my life remained stagnant as long as I remained hostage.  Many of us live in a kidnapped state and don’t realize it until it’s too late or never at all. In 2 Timothy 1:7 it reads “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind;” however, we allow fear to bind us even though the word decrees that we have all the power within ourselves to be FREE.

For years, I’ve dreamed of becoming a published author and yet I struggled with moving forward because of fear of what people would say or think of me. The battle I engaged in took center stage in my mind allowing FEAR to set my thoughts on fire and diminish my dreams. I would use excuses of lack of resources and support to mask my fears, until I experienced a reality check when my daughter published two books revealing my fears to the world. “Mom stop talking about it and do it. You have a story and people need to hear it”.  Now, I can only speak for myself, but when your children check you; it stings worse than being spanked with a wet switch. I can honestly admit, the sting still stings. At that very moment, I realized that I was being held hostage not by anyone, not by my current financial state,  but by fear.  My dreams and destiny were being held for ransom and the only way to get my dreams back and walk in my purpose was not to just recite 2 Timothy 1:7; I had to know and believe it with every fiber of my being that God has given me POWER, LOVE and SOUND MIND.
While I haven’t become a published author, I am no longer allowing FEAR to hold me hostage. I am currently working harder than ever on my first book and writing a blog.  I’m rejoicing over the small victories. My challenge to anyone reading this message today is, if you have been kidnap by FEAR; fight back because you are EMPOWERED; stop defeating yourself because of what you think people will say or do; speak life into your dreams and finally walk in your divine purpose!   

Life Just Got Real

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The day in which circumstances sucked the life out of me plagued me a time or two.  At those times, I felt life was playing a horror movie on auto play in my mind and I was hitting pause with no pause in sight.  So many questions were screaming in my ear and I could not offer any answers. I second guessed my purpose and wondered if anyone would notice if I just disappeared. 

Ephesians 6:11-12 reads “Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Therefore, at these crucial times in our lives, if we have not properly prepared for a potential battle we make bad decisions and choices. These bad choices and decisions can lead to very detrimental circumstances. If we are honest with ourselves many of us can admit going through a stage in which we did not properly prepare for potential battles. During these times our line of defense have been infiltrated and we became standing targets for an attack in which we lose our minds. While many of us hope we never have to experience these times, it is inevitable ( 2 Peter 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance).  Arriving at our destined purpose is our purpose and it’s the enemy’s occupation to make sure we get thrown off of our trajectory to our God given destiny; however, we must stop giving “the enemy” a platform by using it as an excuse for our situations. Let’s keep it Real!  Some of the battles we face we willingly invite in because we fell to adhere to the warning signs given to us over and over again.  Then we become complacent with status quo until the battle is charging at us. Normally, complacency is the calm before the storm.
I challenged you, before the next time “Life Gets Real” get prepared and put on the whole armour of God. 

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