Life After The Assassination

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Confused as to how I arrived at my current destination, I was fighting for each breath.  Simultaneously, wanting to live and die in order to escape this living death.  The assault of bullets in the form of lies and rumors were coming from all directions. My body temperature rose and I felt the sweat soaking my clothes, the tears in my eyes left an eternal sting and my heart was ripped to shreds.  In my moment of hurt, disbelief and confusion I had to make a decision to live or die.  Many of us have experienced being the topic of a rumor as well as being the carrier of the rumor.  When we are the victim of the rumor it cuts us to the core of our inner being.  Yet, we fail to think about it when we are the one who is sharing the rumor amongst people. Oftentimes, we justify it by saying “the word on the streets”; “don’t tell anyone” or “I’m just telling you what I was told”.  As if it makes it right.  Whether rumors are true or not when they have negative subject matter all parties involved suffer a loss.

I was 17 and pregnant.  A few weeks passed graduation.  I had survived anyone finding out at school, home and church.  However, I became deathly sick and almost lost my life.  This is where the story becomes devastating.  While the rumor was true that I was pregnant and almost died, the added commentary, the whispers, the stares and the ostracism was much more unbearable.  On countless occasions, I felt like given up and contemplating taking my life.  I had a harsh lesson in realizing, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” was only a tactic my mom used as way to help me cope with the schoolyard bully and in fact words can and will hurt. At one of my darkest moment, Proverbs 18:21 (Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof) breathed life into me.  It allowed me to take ownership of my truth and to rebuke what was not. I began to counter attack those untruths with my truths with “I am Blessed, I have a Purpose, I will live and not die and I am a child of the Most High”.  I was no longer forced to confront my attacker(s) and create a façade. I was locked and loaded with my very own line of defense.

 While words do not leave physical evidence its impact can pierce the hardest heart and the emotional scars can last a lifetime. Time after time throughout our society, we hear and see countless stories of  mothers becoming motherless because a child has chosen to take his/her life, marriages playing out in divorce courts, churches folding and dividing and careers being loss because individual are unable to cope or  resuscitate after the attack. After surviving a few attacks, I do not consider myself an expert but I do offer my experience.  I believe we need to become active participants in  preventive and counter intelligence by being spiritual grounded, being aware of our surroundings (people, places and things), establishing good standards personally and professionally and develop a mission/vision statement for our lives. Most of all we must want to live! My challenge to all reading is to be empathetic, think before you speak and willing to disengage in the practice of being a perpetrator of gossip, rumors or slanderous offenses and understand the totality of the implications it carries.  Finally, if you are the victim of the rumor Stand Strong a Refuse to Die and LIVE! Remember every storm will pass.


  1. Sis this one should make us all reflect on just how much our words can and do hurt each other. As always I love what you write and the style of how you write. You really pour your heart into what you are writting. I know if you are getting through to my colld cold heart then you have to be touching so many more. Love you sis.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Words have power. You must determine your line of defense to survive.

  2. I remember you going through this period and even as a young girl I felt your pain. It scared me to see you almost lose your life to bring life into this world. But what a beautiful life you brought in . I learned myself 18, just past graduation also and pregnant well hidden from those in school not so much from those in church. I felt like the church were my worst critics. Told you could not be seen or praise in any ministry being an unwed mother. That was the time where I knew I should gravitate towards those who actually uplifted me and my troubled time. I looked to my church for comfort and assistance in learning to be a mother and a Christian without a husband. My church failed me miserably. I left not understanding that they were just people as well. The whispers about me were horrible. Shaming my mother who had no control over my decision as she herself being a widowed mother of three was facing her own struggles, Not understanding that I should be looking to only one for the comfort and knowledge that I Needed. Eventually I found my way back through much prayer. It is hard to forgive those who Shunned me when I needed their love the most. It is easy to remember who was there the entire time though. I appreciate you sharing your experiences. You inspire me to live my best life cousin.

    1. Thank you so much for being transparent....Yes it is so hard to come release the disappointment of those who wronged you but I thank God for our spiritual foundation that allowed us both to bounce back and to be able share. You are an inspiration to so many and my heart leaps every time I see you serving and volunteer at schools, the community and church.

  3. I have yet to be a victim of rumors and I pray that I never will be. But in truth I've been one of those people she spoke about "passing it on" rather than stopping it. Since I've gotten older and more knowledgeable about the effects rumors can cause, I try to stop rather than spread.

    1. Z, oops. I posted without putting my name.

  4. Honestly I believe we have all have been guilty of spreading at rumor rather than stopping it. Sometimes we think the person will never find out but it would be better if we did stop it. My prospective is if something is on fire why keep pouring more gasoline. It would be better to help extinguish the fire. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. Live Your life. People will talk wether good or bad. True or false. Always a good read. Thanks Z!

  6. Thanks Z,
    Powerful Truth! This was a self reflection moment. Proverbs 18 vs 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. So as, for me and my journey called life; has taught me “If You Know Better You Do Better. So I chose to do better!

  7. This was powerful. I remember all this unfolding. God had you covered then just as well now. You have just encouraged someone else with this message. You have been through a lot. As a cousin I tried to be there with you. People will talk and it’s okay. You are strong woman and I’m just so proud of your accomplishments. This was breath taking and opening my eyes to some things I need to do. Keep writing because God has something bigger for you. Love you!!

  8. Thank you so much! You have always been there as well continue to be in my corner.People will talk and we must learn how to handle the pressure when we are the victim or the potential carrier of the rumor. I love you too.

  9. Zee first let me say I am ectremely PROUD of your growth! Thank you for teaching me and being so transparent. Wow the Teacher is now the student. All that was written seems to apply to me today. I take heed to what has been poured out. Again thank you!

  10. Wow!! Thank you so much! This blog is a labor of love. As I share, I see God healing my broken places as well as seeing others breaking free of things that have been holding them hostage.

  11. Thank you for sharing a portion of your journey. Life as we know it can be unfair.With God's grace mercy and prayer you survived. As adults and as youth we all have participated in negative gossip,not really knowing ones truth.As we self reflect in today's society we must continue to grow in our own truths and live our life with purpose in a positive light.For myself, I've learned to remain silent and not get involved in the negative commentary of others. Even as adults,we are still learning.Keep pressing forward Z,your blogs are great conscious reads that will make one think.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Blogger Z DeVane said...
      Life can be unfair. It is easy for us to fall in the trap because I think we feel as if the gossip is not about me therefore it doesn't affect me. Truthfully, it does affect you because we are brother and sister's keeper. Sometimes remaining silent is the right thing to do but we also have to be willing say it ends today. Thank you so much for your candor and supporting me.I appreciate so much.

    2. I could remember Your mom saying that statement so many times. When I saw it I said Cap.always us to tell us. Don't worry about what people say. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt. But are totally correct words do hurt Z. Thanks for the insight. Love you. We all contemplate on different things for different reasons. But God is our help and strength.Keep on blessings us with the Word.

  13. I had no idea you were going through this back in the day. But I'm so glad God stepped in and you are still her and you shared Devontae with us during that time at CCAME. Thank you for the blessing. Keep the faith. Love you.

  14. Thank you so much.God is our present help. I'm so glad that His grace kept me. I am grateful for my foundation at CCAME and I will forever hold special in my heart as well as love you all for watching over me, mentoring me and loving me.

  15. God knows how to bring things out at the right time! I’m forever grateful of his Glory and May he continue to use you for such a time as this!!!!!!! I love you sis...

  16. Amen Sis! I will continue to be a willing vessel. I love you too!

  17. Great to see when people can be open, transparent, and vulnerable with others in there own walk. Looking forward to seeing you continue to speak your truth and empower others

  18. SO RIGHT, words are powerful, after all, our Creator spoke the world into existence with His words. I strive to stay positive no matter what...uNK

  19. It is imperative to stay positive. What we speak is usually an indication of what is in the heart.


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