In The Midst of The Storm....The Breakthrough Happens

Saturday, September 8, 2018

As the local news begun to broadcast, the National Weather Service issued a severe weather alert.  The satellites were tracking winds moving at very high speeds, massive flooding being reported in various localities and it appeared that mandatory evacuations were eminent. The images of the storm's destruction were heart wrenching and it caused my mind to shift into panic mode. Questions and concerns began to consume my thought process and it created a space for "little brother doubt” to have a field day at my expense. Have you ever experienced these feelings?  Let’s be honest, when our lives are disrupted we go into panic mode first and react instead of seeking shelter to think and seek wisdom. Storms are inevitable in the weather atmosphere as well as in our personal lives and unfortunately there are times we fail to prepare to survive a storm much less weather it.

Storms are defined as violent disturbances in the atmosphere or a tumultuous reaction. Oftentimes when an atmospheric storm threatens us, we receive alerts and warnings from the local and national meteorologists.  They provide minute by minute account of the storm's track and potential risk and devastation. Depending on the severity of a storm, it’s named by the National Weather Service.  Just as atmospheric storms happen, we experience them in our personal, spiritual and mental atmosphere. The effects can be devastating, the aftermath may be costly if we have not taken heed to the warnings and prepared. The bible provides us with scriptures (warnings) about the expectation of storms in lives.  In 2 Corinthians 4:8-9(We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed KJV) and John 16:33 (These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world KJV.) In both of these verses we are not only warned; we are also given the insight that we can weather the storm.

Thinking back to one of my life's storms, when my mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was given 6 months to live.  While, I wasn't the one experiencing the physicality of the diagnosis the emotional pain of watching my mom go through the surgeries, treatment, excruciating pain, emotional roller coaster and physical change was heartbreaking. I felt hopeless and angry.  What was I going to do? How could I go on without my best friend? Why my mom?  My mom would lose her battle with cancer 4 years after her diagnosis and I would slip into a depression. I felt like I was caught up in a funnel cloud and destroying everything in my path. Too ashamed to tell anyone, my storm lasted for years  and the aftermath was costly but not all bad. Remember, sometimes a breakthrough will happen in the midst of a storm.

Wherever you find yourself at this very moment, REALIZE THAT YOU ARE STILL STANDING!  Put the energy and time into your personal relationship with God. Yes, I’m suggesting that you date Him on a regular basis (praying, worshipping and reading the bible. This is your shelter during your storm and your preparation before it makes landfall. God is FAITHFUL. I was on the verge of succumbing to my storm. I lost and had damaged tangible items but I discovered my passion to help others. During this storm, the sun broke through the clouds in the midst of torrential rain and the water was rising; it was at that moment I rededicated my life back to Christ.  I survived and now living my best life and so will you. Unfortunately, storms don't have a time limit but they will pass and you can and will survive.


  1. I love it! Yes Cuz we do have a lot of storms in our lives. We can not say that ones storm is no worst than our own. We weather the storm out by having faith just a little faith get us through. But holding on to God's unchanging hand will lead us the right way. I really needed this today Cuz. Love you!!!

    1. Hey cuz!!! I'm so glad that God heard your prayer and this post blessed you. You Are A Survivor and your storm will pass.

  2. This was great. Storm’s come and we sometimes don’t what to do. We put God first and he covers us. Sometimes I have lost faith but I go back and say God I know you have me covered. Cousin your writing are so great and come in the right time. Love you cousin.

    1. Thank you so much cousin. My prayer for my blog is that it will be thoughtful, thought provoking,true,transparent and a blessing to all that read it. I am humbled and grateful that you enjoy the blog. I love you too.

  3. Great message cuz.. this message definitely hit home for me.

  4. My sister Zee.. you are right in line with Pastor message this evening "Will your faith stand in the time of trouble?" This is twice a confirmation for me that God is with me through my storms. Keep blogging you are a true encourager of the word! Love you for sharing

    1. Yes,God is always with us even during our storms. Sis, continue to stand on your faith and you will be able to weather any storm. Thank you so much for checking out my blog! Love you sis!

  5. Awesome blog Z! With Gods protection and grace, we can overcome all things! Keep up the great work

    1. Thank you so much Brittany! God is our shelter even in the midst of our storms! I thank you so much for checking out my blog!

  6. Storms prepare us. They wash away the mess and cleanse our spirits of the falsehoods meaning fake friends, bad decisions and so forth. They give us the opportunity to realize there is light at the end of each storm. When the clouds part and the sun shines through God is there with open arms.

  7. Storms are like fact-finding missions...there are always lessons to be learned. We have to learn the lesson and move on to the next storm with the new knowledge. God is a constant and we should treat him as such. He should be our go-to ALL THE TIME not just when the storm comes through. Prayer is what connects us to him so we are better prepared when the next storm makes its landing. Thank you for the reminder...

    1. Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog. Definitely, storms teach us and those lessons become wisdom which we can use in our next storm and share with others.

  8. Thanks Z. Always a good read. Were one storm ends another usually follow. But allowing the Faith in God will always give the strength in weathering any Storm.

    1. That is so true. Sometimes in my talks with God, I ask Him if He would give me space in between the storms. Then, I'm easily reminded that if I weathered the first storm, I can surely make it through any storm.


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